Songkhla, Hat Yai Police Station warns of a new type of online thief, claiming to be a police officer or a good citizen, sending messages to inform about someone posting about a lost car or other posts, tricking the victim into transferring money, losing both money and the car. This is a clip of online thieves that the police unit suppressing car thefts from Hat Yai Police Station revealed. The method of online thieves is to chat with the car owner who posted that the car was lost, that they found the car, that it was pawned, or that they bought the car, or that they now know who the car is with. They then ask for money from the car owner as a redemption fee or for lost time. Some claim to be police officers who have found the car that was reported lost, but ask for travel expenses and lost time to retrieve the car, asking for 2,000-3,000 baht. When the car owner believes it and transfers the money, they will be blocked or their Facebook will be closed immediately. In this regard, the police from the car t heft suppression unit of Hat Yai Police Station warns that in the case of posting about a lost car and someone or someone claiming to be a police officer contacting them claiming to have found the car and asking for a transfer first, you should believe that it is definitely a scammer because 100 out of 100 people who encounter this type of situation lose their money for nothing because if they are real police officers, they will not ask for money or ask for a transfer first. Or if they are really good citizens who help provide information, they will usually not ask for money. Source: Thai News Agency