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Busy, submitting envelopes to inspect qualifications for bidding on 10 year old rice stale rice, a total of 8 cases.

Nonthaburi, The Warehouse Organization (WHO) has opened the door for interested private companies. Submission of envelopes documenting the qualifications of bidders for the general sale of rice in government stocks, No. 1/2024, amounting to 15,000 tons, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Found 8 people submitting envelopes.

Reporters reported on the atmosphere after it was opened to interested parties. Already inspected the quality of rice in the warehouse. From 31 May – 7 June, and today (10 June), the OCS has opened for those interested. Submit an envelope to check qualifications at the Ministry of Commerce starting at 9:00 a.m. in front of the auction room. An announcement has been posted. Details regarding evidence of submitting documents regarding the qualifications of the offeror In the case of a natural person In the case of being a juristic person In the case of state enterprises and in the case of a cooperative

The first people who were interested began submitting envelopes at around 10:00 a.m. and g
radually continued to arrive until closing at 12:00 p.m. In total, there were 8 people submitting envelopes to check qualifications, consisting of: 1) V8 Inter Company. Trading Kamphaeng Phet Province 2) Thanasan Rice Company, Chainat Province 3) Ubon Bio Agriculture Ltd., Ltd. Ubon Ratchathani Province 4) Ubon Bioethanol Public Company Limited Ubon Ratchathani Province 5) S.S.M.A. Agriculture Company Nakhon Sawan Province 6) Supsangthong Suphanburi Company 7) Sahathan Company, Nakhon Pathom Province 8) BNK Agriculture 2024 Company, Nakhon Sawan Province

For the steps after this ACT will announce the names of bidders who meet all qualifications on June 13th via the ACT website. Bidders who have all the qualifications as announced will be able to submit purchase bid envelopes on that date. On June 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Manopakorn Nitithada Room, 12th Floor, Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry And the bidding envelope will be opened immediately starting at 1:00 p.m. on the sam
e day, which the working group will consider from those who bid the highest price in each depot. We will negotiate with the winner of the auction. or the person who offers the highest purchase price first and must enter into a sales contract within 15 days from the date OCSC announces official results. Ready to place cash collateral at the rate of 5% of the contract value. However, if you do not come to contract at the specified time. All collateral will be forfeited. And if the buyer abandons the contract The OCS will negotiate with the next highest bidder. The person abandoning the contract must pay damages from the difference between the bid price and the selling price to the ASO.

For those who win the auction Payment for the product must be made before the rice delivery system, with the first payment within 20 days from the date of signing the contract. If violations occur, the security will be forfeited. As for the delivery of rice, in the case that the quantity of rice does not exceed 10,000 tonnes, de
livery and transport must be completed within 20 days from the date of the contract. and quantities exceeding 10,000 tons but not exceeding 20,000 tons, the winning bidder must accept delivery and complete the transport within 30 days from the date of the contract.

Source: Thai News Agency