A young man follows his dream from a security guard to become a teacher. Just keep fighting, believing, and determined.

Surat Thani, June 8 – Appreciate southern men who fight for life from security guards to follow their dreams until today becoming a teacher fulfilling their intentions.

A 16-second post of a young man dressed in a security guard until wearing a teacher's uniform, along with the caption, "Believe me, time flies really fast", was shared online and received many congratulatory comments.

This man is Teacher Yo or Mr. Wan Ousman Nancha, 29 years old, now a physical education teacher. At Ban Suchon School, Moo 3, Makham Tia Subdistrict, Mueang District, Surat Thani Province, said that he was born in a large family with 16 siblings, his father died, so his status was quite difficult. During the 3rd year of study at the Faculty of Education, he worked while studying until graduating. He went to work for a company for 1 year and enlisted in the Navy for 6 months, at a time when he began to read books as well. When he was discharged, the soldiers went to live in Koh Phangan. Surat Thani province, was a security guard during the years 63-65 before taking the teacher recruitment exam. Up to now, it's been 6 months. I want my life to be a guide for those who are fighting. May those who are following their dreams Have confidence and intend to achieve your dreams. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency

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