Appellate court rules against ban on rallies near presidential office
SEOUL, The Seoul High Court ruled Wednesday that it is against the law to ban rallies around the presidential office in Seoul’s central district
SEOUL, The Seoul High Court ruled Wednesday that it is against the law to ban rallies around the presidential office in Seoul’s central district
SEOUL, South Korean stocks closed lower Wednesday ahead of the release of earnings reports by major firms. The Korean won fell against the U.S.
Today (%) Previous Session(%) Change (BP)
1-year TB 3.345 3.338 +0.7
2-year TB 3.353 3.337 +1.6
3-year TB 3.300 3.286 +1.4
10-year TB 3.400
SEOUL, Samsung Biologics Co., the biotech arm of South Korea’s Samsung Group, said Wednesday its net profit fell 21.4 percent on-year in the fourth
SEOUL, A South Korean businessman said Wednesday he is seeking to hire North Korean defectors as he donated 30 million won (US$22,000) to help
SEOUL, South Korea’s defense chief said Wednesday that North Korea will face the end of its regime if it wages war, hours after the