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VNA subweb on figures, events makes debut

The Vietnam News Agency launched the subweb “Nhan vat - Su kien” (Figures - Events) and a multi-language text reading function on its electronic publications on September 15.

Addressing the launch, held on the occasion of the VNA’s 78th founding anniversary (September 15, 1945 - 2023), General Director Vu Viet Trang said that the VNA now enters its 79th year with strength gained from traditions and the awareness of the need to make unceasing efforts to perform better day by day.

With trustworthy, diverse and updated content and a systematic and friendly design, the subweb “Figures - Events” at, capitalises on the VNA’s abundant information resource to develop towards data journalism so as to meet readers’ demand for in-depth information.

It provides systematic information and data to help users gain a panoramic view of major events and more than 1,000 famous figures in different fields in Vietnam and other countries. Much of the information and data is publicised for the first time.

Meanwhile, the multi-language text reading function, powered by artificial intelligence, is currently available for Vietnamese and English language articles.

In the time ahead, it will be applied to articles in other languages such as French, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish on all electronic information channels of the VNA.

Besides, the VNA is reforming the information production process in order to integrate videos into text and photo articles on its source information portal at

The launch of the subweb “Figures - Events”, the application of the multi-language text reading function, and the inclusion of videos in text and photo articles form part of the VNA’s efforts to carry out the Party and State’s policy on digital transformation, especially the Government-approved strategy for the digital transformation of journalism, and fulfill the VNA’s role as a key multimedia press agency of the national communications system./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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