Paris: Despite belt tightening as a result of gloomy global economic situation, French could not give up their travel temptation. Vietnam, along with Japan and Thailand, was the top choice for French vacationers during Christmas holiday, according to French daily Le Figaro.
Le Figaro quoted president of travel firms association Valérie Boned as saying that although costs are high, the French want to go somewhere to celebrate their holiday; however, they gave a more careful consideration to the tours.
The rise of Asia, and increasing geopolitical tensions and inflation rates in Europe and the Middle East have resulted in the change of the French’s travel map.
Asia’s tourism industry bounced back strongly this year, said Guillaume Linton, Director General of Asia Voyage- a leading tour operator in Asia-Pacific, adding that Vietnam, Japan and Thailand’s tourism markets were on a good recovery in 2023 as they recorded higher revenue than four years ago.
While the Middle East is experiencing mounting geopoliti
cal tension, Asia has become a safe destination for travelers, he said.
Although prices surged from 25-30%, there was an increasing number of French registering for tours to Asia, he elaborated.
Last month, Vietnam’s tourism potential and opportunities were spotlighted at a seminar held at the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Paris./.
Source: Vietnam News Agency