Nuclear Power, Renewable Energy to Account for 30% Each by 2036

Nuclear power and renewable energy will each account for 30 percent of South Korea’s total energy generation by 2036.

The energy ministry announced on Thursday that the Tenth Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand has been finalized.

The plan calls for an increase of nuclear power in the country's energy mix to 32-point-four percent by 2030 by resuming construction of Shin Hanul Number Three and Four reactors.

The ratio of renewable energy will also expand, while the current high proportions of LNG and coal will continue to decrease by 2036.

For renewable energy, the plan includes a balanced distribution of solar and wind power from the current solar-focused system, with the installed capacity ratio expected to be roughly seven-to-three for solar and wind power in 2036.

Source: KBS World Radio

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