Mongolia’s XacBank launches IPO

XacBank will sell 5.01% of the total number of shares for 677 tugriks in the primary market and will raise 35.7 billion tugriks. The order of shares will be held from 10 am on May 29 to 4 pm on June 5. The bank's customers and investors have begun placing pre-orders for XacBank shares from today through XacBank digital bank, principal underwriter Rynos Investment Securities, and subsidiary underwriter Ulzii and Co. Capital Securities. As soon as the first trades open on May 29, bids will be placed through any registered securities firm. XacBank launched under the motto "Right Bank, XacBank" 22 years ago to provide affordable and equal banking services to citizens and micro-business owners who cannot access banking and financial services. They have now established themselves in the financial sector with over 1 million customers, 1,323 employees and 3.9 trillion tugriks in assets.

Source: Central Asians News Services

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