Phetchabun, Fans of the famous Mor Lam flock to reserve seats to watch since morning. It wasn’t even noon and it was already full. As for how to reserve? Let me tell you, no one dares to move.
The message that was seen on the screen was a reservation for people who wanted to see a famous band. It became a sensation. When a Facebook user posted a picture of people bringing mats, rubber cloth, canvas, plastic to make reservations to see the famous Mor Lamwang who will be performing tonight at Wat Prachanimit, Tha Rong Subdistrict, Wichian Buri District, Phetchabun including writing reservation signs with various messages. Some people go so far as to print pictures of the reservations and place them on the mats. along with the message that ‘The color of watching Mor Lam. Even the band T99 reserved seats.’
The said temple is holding an event to pay homage to the Buddha and ask for blessings from Luang Pho Tanjai. Pay homage to the Buddha’s relics The replica of the Buddha’s footprint will be gilded for the yea
r 2024 between 8-10 January 2024, with an amusement park coming to perform every night. Especially on the first night, there was the famous mor Lamwong “Rababwathasin” who came to open the show. It appeared that there were villagers and FC members bringing mats, rubber cloth, plastic canvases, and paper to spread out from morning until noon and the area was already full. Meanwhile, the Mor Lam group had not yet had time to set up the stage. and found that reservations were written with various messages on paper as well
One of the FC revealed that the mats had been reserved since 10 a.m. Before that, there were already people who had reserved them as well. The reason for making a reservation is because last year there were hardly any people who reserved later. This year, therefore, reservations must be made early in the morning. By noon, there were already people filling up the space, even though the Mor Lam group had not yet arrived.
Source: Thai News Agency