Don’t reconcile with expensive lemons. Use wildfire instead. It’s delicious to eat cooked.

Trang, June 2 – No need to reconcile expensive lemons. villagers in Trang You can use wildfire instead. It tastes sweet and sour. It is popular to eat fresh fruits, make salads, papaya salads. Ripe skins use Kaeng Liang. Orange curry is delicious.

At Ban Khao Lak, Village No. 7, Nam Phut Sub-district, Mueang District, Trang Province, there are Mafaika trees or wild mafai trees that grow naturally. Along the Banthat mountain range The tree is fully ripe from the root to the end of the branch. There is a bright, beautiful fiery red color that adds color to the forest.

Mafaika begins to fully ripen at the end of June. There will be only 1 mafaika of the year. It tastes sweet and sour. The villagers like to eat fresh fruits, make spicy salads, cooked peels, use Kaeng Liang. can make papaya salad and sour curry or can be used instead of lemon

In the past, mafaika was not very popular with the villagers. because it has a sour taste making it a worthless forest tree for many years but with a bright red color a bunch hanging down make resort and hotel owners like, impress, interested in ordering plants Can be planted as an ornamental plant to decorate the garden to create color

The community leader therefore came up with an idea to encourage villagers to plant 1 tree of mahafika per house and sell mahafika seedlings at a price of 100 baht per tree. The response was better than expected. Villagers earn extra income from selling mafaika trees, at least 2,000-3,000 baht per person, while ripe pups sell 60 baht per kilogram.

Mafaika is a perennial plant that has stood for hundreds of years. The canopy shape is similar to Langsat or Longkong, growing by itself in natural forests that are hot and humid. have medicinal properties Helps the excretory system, nourishes the eyes, nourishes the skin because it contains high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C. Helps the blood to flow well. Relieve nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, seasickness at home in Khao Lak. There are more than 50 Mafaika trees that grow by themselves, with more than 100 more trees planted by villagers in their houses and along the road leading to the village. It is expected that in the next 4-5 years, Khao Lak's house will be bright red throughout the village during the season. Ma Fai Ka Balls. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency

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