DEPA joins with 3 professional associations to continue increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Bangkok, DEPA joins with 3 professional associations to continue increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy. Aiming to create strong professional standards in energy conservation and renewable energy. Prepare to produce more than 1,400 energy personnel to drive efficient and environmentally friendly sustainable energy use. Mr. Watthanaphong Kurovat, Director-General of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, revealed that the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEPA) has organized a signing ceremony for a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support and develop energy efficiency. and alternative energy Between the Thai Electric Generator Association by Mr. Thawatch Meechai, President of the Thai Electric Generator Association Building Inspectors Association by Dr. Pitchaya Chandranuwat President of the Building Inspectors Association and the Electrical Lighting Association of Thailand By Assistant Professor Dr. Pathomthat Jiradecha, President of the E lectrical Lighting Association of Thailand, at the Chaloem Phrakiat Energy Conservation Building. Pathum Thani Province Mr. Watthanaphong said that this signing is a continuation of cooperation between the 4 agencies, continuing from the end of the original memorandum of understanding. The main issue is to support and develop energy efficiency and renewable energy. In terms of operational standards Database system Knowledge support Personnel development for engineers, architects, building and factory administrators Building and factory officials responsible for energy Energy management auditor and certifier building inspector Energy conservation assessor Controlled Energy Production System Inspector and the general public to lead to efficient and environmentally friendly energy use. The first activity that will occur from this cooperation is a training course on 'Creating a Controlled Energy Production System Inspection Model' in the case of controlled energy production from generators and solar energy in o rder to develop energy efficiency standards for controlled electricity generation. Transferring energy knowledge and technology and sharing information Energy use for the business sector and industry and personnel development organized training for inspectors of controlled energy production systems to increase their knowledge and understanding of the criteria. Methods and conditions for inspecting and preparing a controlled energy production system inspection report. To provide opinions in considering the issuance of licenses to produce controlled energy from generators and solar energy. Including developing energy efficiency standards and disseminating knowledge about building construction design or building modification for energy conservation to the business and industrial sectors. Last year, a total of 181 people passed the training, with the DEPA aiming to produce more than 1,400 controlled energy production system inspectors in order to be sufficient and keep up with the energy saving trend. Producing a nd using alternative energy, such as installing solar rooftops, producing energy from biogas systems. of establishments, etc. Source: Thai News Agency

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