Trang, Central Investigation Police Raided and arrested a hired girl who opened an account for a call center gang. Initially, he denied all the allegations. Central Investigation Police arrested Ms. Pornsuang, age 24, on two arrest warrants 'for conspiring to defraud the public. and jointly bring false information into the computer system' in front of a house in Sikao District, Trang Province. This is due to the fact that in January 2023, there was a victim who was called by a call center gang pretending to be a bank official. informed that the victim was involved in money laundering Ready to recommend reporting via the Line application. before transferring money into the accused's account for verification and will transfer the money back later make the victim believe Transferred a total of more than 1.5 million baht before realizing that he had been tricked, so he filed a report which led to his arrest. Initially, he denied all the allegations. Source: Thai News Agency